Note: BlueBeacon Tool is no more supported. For beacons of BlueBeacon-series with firmware 5.0 or higher, please use BlueBeacon Manager.
BlueBeacon Tool is the utility app for BLE beacons from BlueUp with firmware version up to 4.0, that allows to configure and range beacons.
A. CONFIGURE (only works with beacons of BlueBeacon series from BlueUp)
Scan for nearby configurable BLE beacons of BlueBeacon series (FW < ver. 4).
For each discovered and connectable beacons, you can perform the following actions:
1. Display BlueBeacon device information profile.
2. Display and modify BlueBeacon configuration settings, for iBeacon or Eddystone
3. Display BlueBeacon battery level status
4. Display and modify security settings (only iBeacon)
B. RANGING (only works with iBeacon)
Ranging of detected BLE beacons with iBeacon technology, showing the following information: UUID, major, minor, RSSI and accuracy.
Moreover, allows to add custom UUIDs to the UUID Region list, in order to range for your own beacons.